We recently went on a trip to see Sonja’s niece for her birthday. As it was during the week (scheduled to coincide with a work trip for Sonja), we drove to Dublin and stayed with the Miller clan in their lovely new home, overnight, and took the flight to Cambridge the next day.
Cambridge was an alright stop. It was highly uneventful/pedestrian, for me, but Sonja had a great time meeting with her colleagues and doing the work stuffs.
After Cambridge is when things got a little dicey. We had originally planned on taking the same flight to Germany but something to do with scheduling at Sonja’s work prevented that. I was due to leave in the morning and Sonja was due to leave in the afternoon.
My flight was, sadly, delayed for four hours. This meant that even though we landed in different cities and Sonja had to take a train, we were actually only an hour’s difference in arrival time[s].
Of course, there was a happy ending to be had, as we made the birthday shenanigans without nary a hitch.
After the birthday funs, it was a short flight to Dublin and a slightly longer drive to County Mayo and we were back home. ☺️