Category: Uncategorized

  • NOTAMs: Why Pay $500+ (USD) for What You Can Get for Free?

    Recently, I’ve been doing research on (some) things aeronautical and learned about things like aerodome charts and ADS-B and the PPL (in Ireland) and so forth. (Also, shout-out to OCW’s course on the PPL.) One of the things that’s fairly important to flight operations is something called NOTAMs, which is an acronym for Notice to…

  • Polybar: Curl + Met Éireann’s API

    I’ve recently been messing around with Arch Linux and have installed it on a spare laptop (via ArcoLinux) that I had lying around. I installed xMonad and Polybar for a cleaner, simpler look. One of the things that I looked around for was a way to have the current weather temperature appear in polybar. Most…

  • Dublin and Cambridge and Hannover… Oh, my!

    We recently went on a trip to see Sonja’s niece for her birthday. As it was during the week (scheduled to coincide with a work trip for Sonja), we drove to Dublin and stayed with the Miller clan in their lovely new home, overnight, and took the flight to Cambridge the next day. Cambridge was…