Testing Private Methods in Static Classes: The Not-So-Easy Way
I had a problem with testing a method: The method is intentionally private, as exposing it public wouldn’t benefit anyone and it merely reduces code-overhead for repeated operations – given ‘x’ condition. In this case, it was if the product of two numbers was greater than nine, then take those numbers and add them together…
Azure: Enabling Function Apps to Access Microsoft Graph
With Azure Functions, it’s even easier to code to Azure; however, with such portability comes a little bit of pain to the growing processes. It used to be (and still is, frankly) that you had to register a full-blown application in Azure Active Directory to grant your application read access to other resources, such as…
DLNA: Network Shares Cause Blocking Threads in Windows Explorer During Copying Events
TL;DR – DLNA shares have a bug which can cause Explorer to stop copying data across the share, nigh indefinitely. The easiest work-around is to restart Windows Explorer, delete the target file in the previous copy operation, and start anew. I’ve discovered a bug that I can’t seem to get addressed because the assembly isn’t…
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: Changing the Login Screen Background
Tired of seeing the purple background when you’re entering your password? Well, you can change that! The first thing that you’ll want to do is move the picture (FWIW, I’ve had no luck with copying) to a readable location. In this instance, Ubuntu already comes with one; so, we’ll move the photo to there. sudo…
Outlook.com: Leveraging O365’s Geo-DNS for Outlook Accounts
If you’ve ever used Office 365, then you’ll be aware of how the Geo-DNS feature and protocol proxy can benefit users, when connecting to their mailboxes from different regions than where the tenant resides. I don’t want to rehash what’s already been written, so if you’re not familiar with Geo-DNS, I suggest perusing
Windows PowerShell: Discovering and Resolving Neighbours in Your Network
Have you ever wanted to find out which computers are on your local network, what their IP addresses are (if you’re using DHCP), and what their hostnames are? Well, I’ve written a PowerShell script to do just that! You can find it on GitHub,
How msExchRecipientDisplayType and msExchangeRecipientTypeDetails Relate to Your On-Premises
Updated 22 Jan 2019: In order to foster open community knowledge and growth, I’ve moved the values to being listed in GitHub, here. You’re more than welcome to make a pull-reque
WPForms Preview
This is the WPForms preview page. All your form previews will be handled on this page. The page is set to private, so it is not publicly accessible. Please do not delete this page 🙂 .
Windows 10: Removing Groove, Facebook, and Other Unwanted Apps
NOTE: This post – drafted, composed, written, and published by me – originally appeared on https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/johnbai and is potentially (c) Microsoft. A few months ago, someone very dear to me asked why they couldn’t remove unwanted apps from Windows 10 – mainly over privacy and right to decline concerns. I took it up as a…