Tag: API

  • Polybar: Curl + Met Éireann’s API

    I’ve recently been messing around with Arch Linux and have installed it on a spare laptop (via ArcoLinux) that I had lying around. I installed xMonad and Polybar for a cleaner, simpler look. One of the things that I looked around for was a way to have the current weather temperature appear in polybar. Most…

  • O365 and Exchange 2016/Exchange 2013: Understanding the UserPhoto API

    NOTE: This post – drafted, composed, written, and published by me – originally appeared on https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/johnbai and is potentially (c) Microsoft. We recently had an issue for an Enterprise Cloud customer, in which the photo was not rendering for the user – which was uploaded to AD (and synced over via MMSSPP to the managed…