.NET Core 2.0: Expression: [Recursive resource lookup bug]
When developing Azure Functions and targeting .NET Core 2.0 (or higher), you may run into an infinite recursion bug that prevents you from successfully building the Azure Function; worst of all is that it may happen at a seeming random time. Assert Failure Expression: [Recursive resource lookup bug] Description: Infinite recursion during resource lookup wit
Debugging: When Recursive NDRs Bring the FSC to It’s Knees And Causes Queuing
NOTE: This post – drafted, composed, written, and published by me – originally appeared on https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/johnbai and is potentially (c) Microsoft. A while back (circa July 2015), we had alerting for queuing for a Dedicated customer. When we went and looked, the messages were just sitting in the Submission queue. We dumped the EdgeTransport proc